Montag, 3. November 2008

Questions for a discussion

I have chosen Learning a New Language as a first discussion topic:

1. Describe "the good language learner" according to the following criteria:
woman or man
old or young
extrovert or introvert
other characteristics
abilities ( including study skills )
motivation and interests

2. In what ways are you a good or bad language learner?
3. How many languages can you speak and how well can you speak them?

4. "Fluency in a language is more important than accuracy". Do you agree?

5. Are you satisfied with the way languages are taught in your country?

6. Do tourists often try to speak your language when they visit your country?

7. "Every child should learn to speak a second language." Do you agree?

8. Which should be the official world language - English or Esperanto?

2 Kommentare:

masy hat gesagt…

I'm dissapointed of my class mates.
Nobody answered the "Questions for a discussion".
I hope someone will answer soon.

Pen-Paper hat gesagt…

yea, we still wait for their participation ..

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