Freitag, 21. November 2008

First time in Germany

'First time in Germany' is the title of a short story we are to write it. It is about an English student who visited Germany, Wolfsburg , in order to attend German classes. He lived with a German family.

This is a story about a great trip to Germany
Peter, 22 years old from London
Got ready for the journey ..
On Saturday morning he woke up very excited because he will fly to Germany on Wednesday. It will be his first time . He thought about everything he had to do: packing his baggage, changing some pounds into Euros, buying a little gift for the host family and so on... On Wednesday he flew by plane to Hanover and he was anxious to meet his German family

Meeting the German family

I will describe the host family: father = James= 44, mother = Monika = 42, daughter = Steffi = 18, son = Martin = 22, dog = Bruno = 5.
Martin ist very happy. He studies computer science and Peter too. On Wednesday at 8 o'clock Peter arrived to his host family's . The greeting was very friendly and warm. "You can sleep in my room", said Martin. Steffi is happy too. Peter looks very good.

First morning at a language school

He went to VHS-Wolfsburg and asked in the office about a German course for beginners. He came to a course with nine other foreign students. He was the only one from United Kingdom. He was excited to speak in a foreign language with students from Mexico, United States, Japan and South Africa. The first day was very interesting and the other participants were very friendly. He was looking forward to the coming days.

Sightseeing & shopping in ( Wolfsburg, Honover, Brunschwig, or Berlin..)

Wolfsburg is a small City with 120.000 people, but we don't miss anything . Wolfsburg has a castle , City car for entertainment, We have a football team in the Bundesliga, a big Factory of Volkswagen where a lot of people work. We have a lake called " Allersee " and other Buildings such as Planetarium ,Phaeno, and many monuments in the Old city Fallersleben . We have the posibility to go shopping in the Centre of Wolfsburg ,we have many shops and a new outlet.

End of the Course
A farewell Party

1 Kommentar:

masy hat gesagt…

Preaparing for the journey:
On saturday morning he woked up very exciting, on Wednesday he will start to Germany. It will be his first time in Germany. He considered about the things he had to do: pack one's things, change some pounds into Euro, buy a little gift for the hostfamily and so on... On Wednesday he sat in the plane to Hannover and he was anxious to meet his German family.

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