Donnerstag, 30. Oktober 2008

Beyond the classroom.

This Class Blog offers the participants the opportunity to go beyond the classroom, keep in touch, and interact with each other . So you are welcome to our blog and let's take the advantage of authentic and modern environment beyond the walls of the classroom in order to practise the language skills, and communicate our thoughts and views.

2 Kommentare:

masy hat gesagt…

In the summer we sit in our "outdoor" classroom, it was very nice. Now we have november and I sit inside, in my "personal classroom":-) and write this text. It's my first commentar in our blog. OK, it will be enough for the moment.

masy hat gesagt…

I find a mistake in my commentar: the right word is comment!
Sorry about that.
I hope it will be the only one...

Our Outdoor classroom:-)